Bioinformatics Class Project Day 2


Solomon Chak


April 19, 2023


Today, we will explore the differential expression (DE) analysis and the repeat masker (RM) analysis based on the assembled transcriptome.

  • Last time, you used Galaxy to analyzed the RNA-seq data from three queens and three workers to find differential expressed genes.

  • Using the same RNA-seq data, I assembled the transcriptome using a program called Trinity. Then I ran Repeat Masker to identify transposable elements (TEs) in the transcriptome.

Setting up

Go to the shared Posit space SP23_Bioinformatics. 

Do not create new project, but use a existing one. You can use “Day_15_DESeq2” or the new ones that you’ve created. I’ve increased the memory in all of these projects.

Rename your project to “Project”

Open your project and clear all object in the workspace. 

Then open a new R script, save and name it, and start using it for the project

Load libraries

Some packages may not have been installed. If you save the R script, a yellow notification bar will appear on the top and you can install the missing packages there.


DE analysis

Now that the differential expression analysis is finished on Galaxy. Download the result and examine it in R.

Let’s first load the table stored in input.matrix.Q_vs_W.DESeq2.txt. Upload this file to

This file has columns separated by tabs. So we will use read.delim() instead of read.csv().

df = read.delim(file = "input.matrix.Q_vs_W.DESeq2.txt", row.names = NULL)

# rename the first column
names(df)[1] = "seqid"

# Preview the file

Now, let’s keep only rows (transcripts) that have significant padj (adjusted p-values) and have the absolute value of log2FoldChange larger than 10.

Note that fold change is calculated based on sampleA vs. sampleB.

  • It’s positive when baseMeanA > baseMeanB.

  • It’s negative when baseMeanA < baseMeanB.

Also note that the adjusted p-value is a test of whether the log2 fold change is different from 0. It is statistically different from testing whether log2 fold change > 10 or <-10. A different test could be used for that but for here, we are doing a crude post-hoc filtering.

Write some codes to make an object called df_de that keep rows from df where padj < 0.05 & abs(log2FoldChange) > 2.

# your code

Using df_de, write some codes to check how many transcripts are up-regulated in queens and how many transcripts are up-regulated in workers. (Remember that all transcripts in df_de is statistically significantly differentially expressed because we have filtered it by padj already.)

# your code

We can do a MA plot. But since we didn’t run DESeq2 in R, we will rely on the package ggpubr to do so.

ggmaplot(df, size = 0.5) 

# size is point size

To explore what genes are being up/down regulated in queens (vs. workers), we can look at the identity of some of the most up/down regulated genes. For illustration purpose, we will only look at the top one.

Because the shrimp transcriptome is not annotated, we will need to:

  1. retrieve the seqid,

  2. get the fasta sequence of the transcript, and

  3. do a blast to find out what this transcript (expressed gene) could be.

(1) We can find the seqid of the most up-regulated gene and most down-regulated in queens in R.

Remember that you can sort a dataframe with arrange().

# Sorting to show the lowest log2FoldChange. 
# Is this up or down regulated?

arrange(df_de, log2FoldChange) %>% head()
                seqid sampleA sampleB baseMeanA baseMeanB baseMean
1  comp180383_c1_seq4       Q       W 0.0000000  699.5098 349.7549
2  comp181460_c0_seq1       Q       W 0.5026212 1010.7706 505.6366
3  comp176503_c0_seq6       Q       W 0.0000000  309.1014 154.5507
4 comp176628_c1_seq17       Q       W 0.0000000  301.8550 150.9275
5 comp173370_c0_seq13       Q       W 0.0000000  278.4993 139.2496
6  comp179191_c2_seq8       Q       W 0.0000000  266.9005 133.4503
  log2FoldChange    lfcSE      stat       pvalue         padj
1      -11.62299 3.123961 -3.720592 1.987562e-04 2.784806e-02
2      -11.15852 2.733697 -4.081843 4.467989e-05 8.772759e-03
3      -10.44506 1.714528 -6.092089 1.114469e-09 1.720196e-06
4      -10.40991 1.408855 -7.388915 1.480319e-13 9.134437e-10
5      -10.29197 1.394568 -7.380043 1.582378e-13 9.134437e-10
6      -10.23122 1.668505 -6.131971 8.679691e-10 1.473658e-06
# Sorting to show the highest log2FoldChange
# Is this up or down regulated?

arrange(df_de, desc(log2FoldChange)) %>% head()
                seqid sampleA sampleB baseMeanA baseMeanB  baseMean
1  comp180009_c0_seq2       Q       W 1258.9584 0.2022983 629.58036
2  comp175226_c0_seq1       Q       W  343.1854 0.0000000 171.59270
3 comp175480_c0_seq13       Q       W  260.8687 0.0000000 130.43435
4 comp173370_c0_seq14       Q       W  231.8312 0.0000000 115.91562
5  comp181016_c1_seq5       Q       W  132.8061 0.0000000  66.40304
6  comp164452_c0_seq1       Q       W 1013.5418 1.3837382 507.46276
  log2FoldChange    lfcSE     stat       pvalue         padj
1      12.075260 1.541190 7.835023 4.687565e-15 4.509906e-11
2      11.180387 1.548011 7.222422 5.106982e-13 2.456714e-09
3      10.785645 3.047203 3.539523 4.008503e-04 4.552410e-02
4      10.614133 1.565590 6.779636 1.204793e-11 4.346743e-08
5       9.810545 1.613226 6.081320 1.191973e-09 1.720196e-06
6       9.570938 1.743204 5.490428 4.009611e-08 3.403806e-05

(2) Copy each seqid to search in Elizabethae_Assembly_Trinity.fasta. You can do that in Galaxy:

  • Use the tool Filter FASTA on the headers and/or the sequences.

  • Under FASTA sequences, choose Elizabethae_Assembly_Trinity.fasta.

  • Under Criteria for filtering on the headers, choose Regular expression….

  • Paste the seqid in the text box under Regular expression pattern.

  • (Alternatively, you can also download the assembly from Galaxy, open it in NotePad, and search.)

(3) Copy that fasta sequence and do a blastx search against the refseq protein. What protein is this transcript most likely to be coding for?

Do a Google or Scholar search using the name of the protein and the keyword “eusociality”. Is this protein related to eusociality?

The purpose of this exercise is to show that, with just a single gene, you may or may not be able to get relevant information related to the experiment. That’s why it is important to look at a set of up/down regulated gene, and use GO terms to summarize or analyze the functions of a whole set of genes.

In this project, we are not interested in the identities of the up/down regulated genes, but whether the up/down regulated genes are have TEs. However, if we were to publish these data, we should get into more details about and more properly report the DE analysis.

RM analysis

Let’s read Elizabethae_Assembly_Trinity.fasta.out, which is the output from Repeat Masker. Download the file here and upload it to

If your file name changed after download/uploading, edit the file name in the code below to read it. (For example, the file may not have .out, but have .txt)

Repeat Masker was used to identify TEs from the transcriptome. Similar to Day 16, we will perform a few housing keeping fixes after loading the file.

df_transcript_te = read.table("Elizabethae_Assembly_Trinity.fasta.out", header = F, skip = 3, fill = T ,col.names = c("SW_score", "perc_div", "perc_del", "perc_inc", "seqid", "start", "end", "left", "strand","repeat", "TE_class_family", "TE_start", "TE_end", "TE_left", "ID", "duplicate"), )

# Some columns have numbers in () that needs to be removed.
df_transcript_te$left = gsub("[()]","",df_transcript_te$left)
df_transcript_te$TE_start = gsub("[()]","",df_transcript_te$TE_start)
df_transcript_te$TE_left = gsub("[()]","",df_transcript_te$TE_left)

# remove duplicates generated by Repeat Masker
df_transcript_te = filter(df_transcript_te, !duplicate=="*")

# keep first entry for each seqid
df_transcript_te = group_modify((group_by(df_transcript_te, seqid)), ~.x[1,])

# get TE_class & TE_family from TE_class_family
df_transcript_te$TE_class = str_split(df_transcript_te$TE_class_family, "/", simplify= T)[,1] 
df_transcript_te$TE_family = str_split(df_transcript_te$TE_class_family, "/", simplify= T)[,2] 

# Keep only the four major classes of TE (DNA, LINE, LTR and SINE).
df_transcript_te =  filter(df_transcript_te, TE_class%in%c("DNA", "LINE", "LTR", "SINE"))

# A tibble: 6 × 18
# Groups:   seqid [6]
  seqid     SW_score perc_div perc_del perc_inc start   end left  strand repeat.
  <chr>        <int>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <int> <int> <chr> <chr>  <chr>  
1 comp1002…      263     22.4      2.1      3.1   116   212 0     +      rnd-4_…
2 comp1003…      330     13.7      2.9      5.9   133   202 40    +      hAT-N2…
3 comp1007…      234     23.6      4.5      0     132   148 73    C      L2-8_N…
4 comp1008…      250     25.7      6.7      0      90   194 75    C      rnd-6_…
5 comp1008…      339      9.1      0        0       1    44 158   C      family…
6 comp1008…      288     17.1      4.8      1.2   172   183 71    +      L2-10_…
# ℹ 8 more variables: TE_class_family <chr>, TE_start <chr>, TE_end <int>,
#   TE_left <chr>, ID <int>, duplicate <chr>, TE_class <chr>, TE_family <chr>

The start and end columns indicate where a TE is found in a transcript sequence. The name of the transcript is in seqid, which can later be matched with those in df_de.

Write some codes to make a new column TE_length as the absolute difference in start and end plus 1.

# Your code

# checking the column TE_length should give you what's shown below.
# summary(df_transcript_te$TE_length)
   Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
   11.0    54.0    74.0   114.9   121.0  2842.0 

Let’s look at the TE distribution in the shrimp transcriptome. It’s very different from humans, which we looked at before.

# Plot TE distribution
ggplot(df_transcript_te, aes(TE_class)) + 
  geom_bar() + 
  coord_flip()  + 

We can also look at the distribution of perc_div across TE class. Note that this is only TEs that are in the transcriptome. It doesn’t reflect all the TEs that are in the shrimp genome.

# Plot divergence facet
ggplot(df_transcript_te, aes(perc_div, fill=TE_class)) +
  geom_histogram(colour="black") +
  theme_bw(base_size=14) +
  facet_wrap(~TE_class, scales = "free")
`stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

Finally, We can also check what’s the youngest element in each TE class, similar to your assignment in Day 16. We can do it with a ddply loop:

ddply(df_transcript_te, "TE_class", function(i){
  ddply(i, "TE_family", function(x){
    data.frame(median = median(x$perc_div))
    }) %>% 
  arrange(median) %>%
  TE_class           V1
1      DNA TcMar-ISRm11
2     LINE     RTE-ORTE
3      LTR       Gypsy?
4     SINE    tRNA-Core

Next week, we will do some demo analyses after combining the DE and RM data set. Then you’ll be assigned to work on similar analyses using one of the TE class.